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Block all IP, but open to certain IP for certain port with iptables iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROPiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport... CPanel and Cpanel DNSONLY Installation Instructions CPanel now uses a universal install script which can be found athttp://layer1.cpanel.net/. You... Can I increase my VPS plan without upgrade my package? No. The only way you increase your RAM is to upgrade the currect package to a higher package. We... Can't remove Logical Volume (lvremove) Check if there is mounted devicemount -l Unmount the mounted device umount... CentOS 6 Xen VM on CentOS 5 Node fix disk name When you host a Centos 6 Xen VM on a CentOS 5 node, you will need to fix the disk name in order... Change Timezone and set time & date for CentOS ... Change default server page on DirectAdmin server Replace index file in this location /var/www/html/ Check CPU for HVM and vitualization support ... Check Linux memory being used To check memory allocation maps cat /proc/meminfo   To check process memory usage by... Create FTP user without shell login as root nano /etc/shells add a line to the list "/bin/nologin"... Database UTF-8 Support Not Enabled - How to enable Run this from phpmyadmin ALTER DATABASE `vtiger` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE... Display Xen info xm info     Do you have Apache Tomcat installed Unfortunately we do not support TomCat yet in a shared environment. However may help you to... HVM Fail - Unable to connect to node for port 5901 SSH to serever as root and apply command brctl show You will see result similar to this... How to install "locate" with yum yum install mlocate How to remove yum Caches Run this command to remove all of the packages held in the caches: su -c 'yum clean packages'... Hypervm installation instruction Once the server is ready (configured with LVM) login as root and issue the following commands:... Install Awstats on Directadmin Server Integrated awstats into DirectAdmin.It's a global on/off swtich, and not a per domain setup.... Install PHP4 on CentOS 5.5 VPS ... Manage Mysql Database with command line Create Database with command line mysql -u root -pmysql> CREATE DATABASE... Net Install CentOS Malaysia OS Mirror: http://centos.ipserverone.com/centos/5.5/os/x86_64/ Quota not running on DirectAdmin When create account with DirectAdmin, it return with quota not set up. nano /etc/fstab # Device... Resizing Partition After Storage Upgrade Situation After a storage upgrade on a cloud/virtual server, the volume size allocated will... Secure Mysql command line /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation VPS error xc_dom_parse_elf_kernel: ELF image has no shstrtab Receive an error when Create new VPS or reboot a vps Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel',... What are the advantages of a VPS ? VPS gives you the functions and features and of a managed dedicated server but without the price.... What is the URL to virtuozzo https://===yourserverIP===:4643 When start a vps I got: Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_parse_elf_kernel: ELF image has no shstrtab\n'): Run command below on the main slave host where host the vps /script/fixxenkernel Where is the datacenter VPS located? Windows VPS is located at Colo4Dallas Taxes US BlueSquare UK Linux VPS is... Why is my VPS constantly crashing? There are several causes to why you may not be able to access your VPS.  Some users often... Yum fail to update python on x86_64 server ==============stuff ommitted==========then======= .. File... Yum update errors - Invalid boolean This is the error when doing yum update ---Options Error: Error parsing 'gpgcheck': invalid... check CPU(s) information cat /proc/cpuinfo hypervm-xen-vmlinuz error for when create vps I added a new slave. I tried to create a new vps with centos 5.x on the new slave. I receive... invalid maildirsize file while change Email quota Cpanel server: 1. upcp to latest stable 2. run these two commands one after the other: find... no_kernel_support_for_xen._boot_into_the_right_kernel [] Edit grub.conf nano /etc/grub.conf Change the "default=x" to the xen kernel. Example... yum "Metadata file does not match checksum" problem Try one of the following: yum clean all yum clean metadata yum update yum -y remove... yum fail error: File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in ?yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True) I've just rebuilt my VPS using CentOS. I've run "yum update" but it doesn't complete as I get... yum update "repository listed more than once" when I run "yum update" on my VPS (running CentOS), I get these messages Repository base is...
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