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Accept a different port# in iptables
Login as rootcp /etc/sysconfig/iptables /etc/sysconfig/iptables-ori01nano...
Add a Virtual NIC or Network Card
Add user to sudoers list
sudoers list is the user list that allowed to execute specify command in sshTo add 1 user to...
Adding SSD Cache to Existing LVM
Short howto for dm-cache preparation. Assuming existing VG: vg_server17 , inside PV /dev/md1 (...
Awstats is reflecting no data
It's not a major issue.. the awstat won't start process when the domain logs in apache is not...
Block all IP, but open to certain IP for certain port with iptables
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROPiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport...
Block an IP from access to your server with IPtable
In order to correct this you will want to use the netstat -n command to see the ip addresses...
CPanel and Cpanel DNSONLY Installation Instructions
CPanel now uses a universal install script which can be found athttp://layer1.cpanel.net/. You...
Can't Access All Website From The Server
Here is the steps:- 1. Check connections to httpd:- # lsof -i -P -n | grep -i httpNote : x.x.x.x...
CentOS - IPV6 Network Configuration
CentOS / Fedora Send Yum Package Update Notification Via Email
CentOS has yum-updatesd, which provides notification of updates which are available to be applied...
CentOS Dovecot error while loading shared libraries: libsepol.so.1: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory
If you have recently updated your Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga) / CentOS...
Change Email max size
cp /etc/exim.conf /etc/exim.conf-ori1nano /etc/exim.confSearch for this words and change limit...
Change SSH Port number
To change the SSH port number login as root and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_configFind the line that says...
Change Timezone and set time & date for CentOS
Change default server page on DirectAdmin server
Replace index file in this location /var/www/html/
Change php upload size and Webmail attachment size
nano php.ini fileSearch for uploaded_filesizeChange max upload file size accordingly
Check Linux memory being used
To check memory allocation maps cat /proc/meminfo To check process memory usage by...
Check OS version and distro vis ssh
To check OS version cat /proc/version To check distro cat /etc/redhat-release
Check RAM and CPU info via SSH
Check CPU cat /proc/cpuinfo Check Memory / RAM cat /proc/meminfo
Check Raid Rebuild status
cat /proc/mdstat
Check for possible existing exploits
shfor x in "/dev/shm /tmp /usr/local/apache/proxy /var/spool /var/tmp"; do ls -loAFR $x...
Check for possible existing exploits
shfor x in "/dev/shm /tmp /usr/local/apache/proxy /var/spool /var/tmp"; do ls -loAFR $x...
Check hard disk info
Check Hard drive speeds[root@server ~]# hdparm -Tt /dev/sdaGet Detailed/current information...
Check service status in ubuntu
Some service are notable to check status. The command below will give you the available option...
Check the most IP connect to server
netstat -an | sort +4 | grep :80 | awk '{print $5}' | sed -e s/':.*'/''/g | sort | uniq -c | sort...
Create FTP user without shell
login as root nano /etc/shells add a line to the list "/bin/nologin"...
Cron Command
* * * * * command to be...
Delete Email older than certain day from server
cd /home/customer/mail/customer.domain.comfind ./* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;The +5 mean delete...
Delete mail queue (OS-level, based on keyword)
grep -lir nobody@sv1.nocser.net /var/spool/exim/input | xargs rm -fv
Delete spam from mail queue (Exim - sender/recipient based)
When a server/VM mail queue size is large:-1. Go to WHM -> Mail Queue- Analyze (click on...
Enable Register_Globals
To enable register_globals globallylocate php.ini (should be at /var/lib/php.ini)Backup php.ini...
Enable session.auto for 1 Domain
Edit httpd.conflocate the Domain< IfModule mod_php4.c >php_admin_value session.auto_start...
Enable session.auto globlaly
locate php.inishould be at /usr/lib/php.inicd /usr/lib/cp php.ini php.ini-ori1nano php.iniSearch...
FTP - Configure ftp to allow passive mode
Fail to start named (/usr/sbin/named: undefined symbol: dns_resolver_setudpsize)
If you are getting ” Starting named: /usr/sbin/named: symbol lookup error: /usr/sbin/named:...
Find out who is monopolizing or eating the CPUs
# ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10 or # ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -r...
Fix MySQL up but can not connect
/scripts/cleanupmysqlprivs/scripts/securemysql -amysql_fix_privilege_tables --password=chmod 755...
Format Hard Drive
Use command below to format your secondary hard drive. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb Select "yes" when...
Format and Mount 2nd HDD
Format and Mount 2nd HDD to /mnt/backupLogin as rootperform this commandfdisk -lthat will give...
Hardening Server included
LSM (Linux Socket Monitoring) installed and configured - Function is to monitor ANY...
Help on preventing uploads of exploits
shchmod 0750 `which curl` 2>&-; chmod 0750 `which fetch` 2>&-; chmod 0750 `which...
How do I block a IP completely from access to my system?
iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j DROP
How do I disabled root SSH login?
Login via SSH and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_configLook to see if there is a line like PermitRootLogin...
How do I give a user super user (su) access?
useradd -m -G wheel **user**passwd Enter the new password
How to Detect Website Used for Hacking Others
Identify the server used to do the outbound attacks to others (normally supplied by abuse...
How to Recover from hacked Wordpress Website
1. SSH to server ( if no SSH access, download all wordpress files to your PC )2. Check website's...
How to check Postgresql version
psql -U postgres(enter password for user "postgre")From psql, type SELECT version();
How to checksum from ssh
md5sum filename.txt
How to display server volume Group
ssh to server and apply command below vgdisplay
How to find out my server Apache version?
Httpd / Apache Web server version can be displayed with command below. Simple out put: httpd...
How to fix “disk contains BIOS metadata error”
Reuse hard disk from another server may receive error "Disk contains BIOS metadata, but is not...
How to install "locate" with yum
yum install mlocate
How to install Apache on CentOS
Install Apache web server on Centos $ yum install httpd Verify Apache installed version...
How to install tomcat 6
Make sure you have autoconf install before you proceed. cd /usr/share/tomcat6/bintar xvfz...
How to make httpd start during boot up
Do thefollowing:chkconfig --list|grep httpYou get something like this:httpd 0:off 1:off 2:off...
How to remove yum Caches
Run this command to remove all of the packages held in the caches: su -c 'yum clean packages'...
How to set Catalina_home for tomcat?
echo "export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat6" > /etc/profile.d/tomcat.shecho "export...
How to set java_home
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_06' > /etc/profile.d/jdk.shecho 'export...
How to upgrade postgresql from 8.1 to 8.27
1. Print current webmin screens for posgresql: particularly allowed hosts (don't need to do this,...
How to use Rsync
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 22222' sourcefile 'ssh...
Hypervm installation instruction
Once the server is ready (configured with LVM) login as root and issue the following commands:...
Install Awstats on Directadmin Server
Integrated awstats into DirectAdmin.It's a global on/off swtich, and not a per domain setup....
Install ImageMagick and Imagick on Cpanel Server
Install ImageMagick Check first if it’s installed: /scripts/checkimagemagick Proceed...
Install nano with yum
yum install nanoIf tum is not installcd /rootmkdir downloadscd downloadswget...
Install php on CentOS
Login as root to install php and common php component # yum install php php-gd php-imap...
Install phpmyadmin on Centos
In order for phpmyadmin to work, you must install all component needed by phpmyadmin Component...
Install scp on linux server
yum install openssh-client
Installing DBD::mysql from source
wget http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/DBD/DBI-1.56.tar.gz tar xvzf DBI-1.56.tar.gz cd...
HOW-TO MRTG on cPanel...
Manage Mysql Database with command line
Create Database with command line mysql -u root -pmysql> CREATE DATABASE...
Missing (stealth) nameservers
This happen when primary nameserver did not register with ICAAN. For example ns1 and...
Missing Dependency: bind during yum upgrade
Error: Missing Dependency: bind = 30:9.3.3-7.el5 is needed by package bind-chroot 1) yum remove...
NIC Down with "e1000e" errors in logs
If you are running CentOS 6.4 or 6.5, and having problems with the NIC unable to bring up, check...
Named is down due to rndc.key problem
chmod a+r /etc/rndc.key/etc/init.d/named restart
Net Install CentOS
Malaysia OS Mirror: http://centos.ipserverone.com/centos/5.5/os/x86_64/
Network Card IP information
Display Network Card IP information: /sbin/ifconfigEdit Network Card IP information: cd...
PHP error - Unable to load dynamic library
Prevent PHP Spammer
You can do this by editing your php.ini file & enter the following:disable_functions =...
Protect DDOS attack with medialayer (D)DoS Deflate
cd /root/download/wget http://www.inetbase.com/scripts/ddos/install.sh chmod 0700...
Quota not running on DirectAdmin
When create account with DirectAdmin, it return with quota not set up. nano /etc/fstab # Device...
RPM resources for download
Here is the full list of rpm for centos http://software.virtualmin.com/bleed/centos/5/x86_64/
Replacing A Failed Hard Drive In A Software RAID1 Array
1 Preliminary Note In this example I have two hard drives, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, with...
Reset Linux MySQL Root pass
1. Log on to your system as Administrator.2. Stop the MySQL server if it is running. For a server...
Reset MySQL root pass
Log on to your system as either the Unix root user or as the same user that the mysqld server...
Restart a frozen or Crashed Linux X Desktop
Restart Gnome Desktop: /etc/init.d/gdm stop/etc/init.d/gdm start Restart KDE Desktop:...
Restart a service in Ubuntu
/etc/init.d/servicename restart
Rkhunter - install and run
On BSD sytems:cd /usr/ports/security/rkhunter; make install clean; rehash; rkhunter -c(or for...
SMART Error Alert: Locating Disk to be Replaced
From time to time, servers will send out alerts when their disk(s) are having problems. A sample...
SSH with Private Key
Refer to http://linux-sxs.org/networking/openssh.putty.html
Search for path to perl
whereis perl
Secure Mysql command line
Set upload file limit for pure-ftp
SSH as rootcp /etc/pure-ftpd.conf /etc/pure-ftpd.conf-ori1nano /etc/pure-ftpd.conffind...
Solve PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted
This error message can spring up in a previously functional PHP script when the memory...
Stop Exim
killall exim or Service exim stop or killall -9 exim
Supermicro IPMI Exploit
On the recent security issue with Supermicro IPMI Exploit, the security issue had been fixed...
Telnet Relay test
SSH to server# telnet relay-test.mail-abuse.org
Transfer files between Linux Server using scp
To transfer file securely between 2 Linux server with scp command scp -P 22 *.*...
Turning off SELinux
Turning off SELinux Temporary echo 0 > /selinux/enforce Turning SELinux back on echo 1...
Update Linux Server Software
yum updateorup2date
Updatedb and locate not found
Locate and updatedb is not install by default due to heavy cpu usage. However you can install...
Wildcard DNS
Edit your zone file for the domain in question. Create an A reaord *.domain.com to Domain share...
Yum fail to update python on x86_64 server
==============stuff ommitted==========then======= .. File...
Yum install Mysql 5 on Centos 5
yum install php-mysql mysql mysql-server/sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on/etc/init.d/mysqld...
Yum update errors - Invalid boolean
This is the error when doing yum update ---Options Error: Error parsing 'gpgcheck': invalid...
Zone-transfer block remote server
Put this cose at the top of /etc/named.conf after...
Zone-transfer test for allowed any host
You can verify this by using the 'dig' command on a REMOTE server:=> Add an A record to some...
check CPU(s) information
cat /proc/cpuinfo
find large file
find / -type f -size +100000000c -ls This will list all file located at "/" that...
host lookup did not complete
Error message========================Message 1HVHR1-0000Rh-5m is not frozenLOG:...
hypervm-xen-vmlinuz error for when create vps
I added a new slave. I tried to create a new vps with centos 5.x on the new slave. I receive...
invalid maildirsize file while change Email quota
Cpanel server: 1. upcp to latest stable 2. run these two commands one after the other: find...
local IP via virtual NIC is not function.
I create vitual NIC for local IP at /etc/sysconfig/networ-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1 The local IP and...
This will let us change url to user name. The url carry a (username=user1)...
named fail - Locating /var/named/chroot//etc/named.conf failed
named fail with error Locating /var/named/chroot//etc/named.conf failed: [FAILED] SSH to...
ping: unknown host
When I do a ping I got this errorping: unknown hostcp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf-ori1nano...
tar command functioon
Create, Extract, See ContentsThe tar program takes one of three funcion command line arguments c...
yum "Metadata file does not match checksum" problem
Try one of the following: yum clean all yum clean metadata yum update yum -y remove...
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