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How to View Email Headers Print

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This is a simple resource on how to read the full email headers, also known as long headers or internet headers, from an email message in various email clients.  Headers include such details as sender, recipient, subject, sending time stamp, receiving time stamps, and much more.  They are very useful in troubleshooting common issues, such as tracking spam, correcting catchalls and bounced messages.

How to view headers for (mt) Media Temple Webmail Clients



All of the (mt) Media Temple webmail clients can be accessed at either webmail.mt-example.com or mt-example.com/webmail



  1. Login to SquirrelMail.
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Under Options click on View Full Header.

Atmail - Simple

  1. Login to Atmail - Simple (Any Browser).
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Click on View Headers inside the left menu.

Atmail - Simple (Ajax)

  1. Login to Atmail - Simple (Ajax).
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Click on View Headers inside the left menu.

Atmail - Advanced (Mozilla)

  1. Login to Atmail - Advanced (Mozilla).
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Click on the View Headers icon in the top menu (The icon is an envelope in front of a piece of paper).

Atmail - Advanced (IE6+)

  1. Login to Atmail - Advanced (IE6+).
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Click on the View Headers icon in the top menu (The icon is an envelope in front of a piece of paper).

Horde Webmail

  1. Login to Horde Webmail.
  2. Open the email message.
  3. Click the Message Source link in the text menu at the top of the message.
  4. A new window, with the full message and headers, will open.

Roundcube Webmail

  1. Login to Roundcube Webmail.
  2. Double-Click to open the email message.
  3. Click on the Show Source Icon (The icon is a piece of paper with a S on the front).

How to view headers in third-party email application

Apple Mail

  1. Open Apple Mail.
  2. Double-click to open the email message.
  3. Choose View at top menu and select Customize Toolbars.
  4. Drag the Full Headers or Long Headers icon into your toolbar and save changes. 
  5. Now you can click on Full Headers or Long Headers to the top of the toolbar.

Outlook 2007

  1. Open Outlook 2007.
  2. Open the email message.
  3. Under the Message tab, in the Options group, click on the Dialog Box Launcher icon.
  4. In the Message Options dialog box, the headers appear in the Internet headers box.

Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Double-click to open the email message in a new window.
  3. Select View > Options from the message's menu. 
  4. All header lines appear under Internet Headers at the bottom of the dialog that comes up.

Outlook Express

  1. Open Outlook Express
  2. Right click on the message and select Properties
  3. Choose the Details tab and select the Message Source Button

Microsoft Entourage

  1. Open Entourage
  2. Double-click to open the email message
  3. select View from the menu and click on Internet Headers
  4. You may need to use your mouse to pull down on the line below the header so that the entire header is visible.

Mozilla Thunderbird

  1. Open Thunderbird
  2.  Double-click to open the email message
  3. From the menu bar select View > Headers then choose All
  4. The headers should be immediately displayed

How to view headers in third-party webmail clients


  1. Login to gmail
  2. Open the message you'd like to view headers for.
  3. Click the down arrow next to Reply, at the top-right of the message pane.
  4. Select Show original.
  5. The full headers will appear in a new window.


  1. Login to Yahoo webmail
  2. Open the message you'd like to view headers for.
  3. Click Full Headers at the top of your message.
  4. The full headers will appear above the message text.

MSN Hotmail

  1. Login to MSN Hotmail
  2. Select Options from the top MSN Hotmail navigation bar
  3. Make sure the Mail category is selected
  4. Choose Mail Display Settings
  5. Set Message Headers to Full.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Now you can go back to the MSN Hotmail Inbox (or any folder) to open a message with full headers.

Windows Live Hotmail

  1. Login to  Windows Live Hotmail
  2. Click on the desired message in the list with the right mouse button.
  3. Select View source from the menu.



  • If your email client is not listed above you may need to contact the software creator for support on how to view email headers.
  • If you are asked for a copy of a email header for troubleshooting it is important to realize it may change if a email is forwarded. This is why it is important to get a copy of the original header.

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