What is .my Reserved Names Print

  • .my Reserved Names
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When it comes to naming your website with a .my domain, there are some special rules to follow, especially when dealing with reserved names. These are names that are off-limits for various reasons.

When choosing a domain name, it’s essential to steer clear of these reserved names unless they’re part of a longer, non-sensitive phrase. This helps ensure that domain names are used appropriately and respectfully, in line with national and cultural values.

Even if a domain name contains a reserved word, context is everything. If the word is part of a name that carries a reserved connotation - like royalty, banking or financial institutions - it will be flagged and likely rejected. But if it is part of an innocuous word or phrase that doesn’t touch on these sensitive areas, the application will sail through.

Reserved Names are listed in the NEAP document under Schedule D-2 “Reserved Names”.


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